Thursday, October 15, 2009

Portfolio Comments

After reading the Portfolio Guide I have mixed feelings. On one hand I look forward to have my writing analyzed by other people. This is probably due to the fact that I wish to become a screenwriter and I react jubiantly to feedback. On the other hand I am not looking forward to the cover letter on the Assessment Portfolio. This is mostly because I really hate talking about myself and my thought processes. The guide itself is very helpful in describing all requirements and some helpful tips.

1 comment:

  1. The postwriting exercise that I ask you to do upon turning in your polished draft will ease the process of writing the cover letter when the time comes. Each post-write is essentially prewriting for the cover letter. When you hold all four of the post-writes in front of you and read them, you may see some evolution of thought or awareness that will give you a way to write about your writing process.

    The purpose of the cover letter is to show awareness of the process, to show that you've become a more conscious writer, and to set the portfolio readers up to be in the right frame of mind to read your work.

    So it seems as if you could adopt some critical distance from your writing and write about the writing itself, the evolution of your writing, the areas it still needs improvement and why. In other words, you could tackle this assignment by writing about your writing rather than writing about yourself.
